Sunday, March 7, 2010

PHYSICS (Kinematics:Speed,Velocity and Acceleration

Physics is a subject related to Mathematics. It is one of the most interesting subject for anyone who loves Mathematics. Kinematics is a very important part of Physics.Kinematics is a branch of mechanics that studies the motion of bodies. Amoving body is one that is continuously changing its position with respect to its observer or even with respect to the observer. Very few things move at the same speed for a long time. Moving cars, animals, aircrafts and all other moving objects may eventually speed up (accelerate)or slow down(decelerate). Acceleration means that a greater distance is covered in a shorter time. When scientists talk of how fast or slow a body is moving, they may talk about"velocity", not speed. By velocity they mean speed of a body in a paticular direction. There is a lot you can say about Physics but I guess it would take a very long time.

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